Monthly Archives: June 2016

Chapter 016

Well, looks like it only took half a week for me to break that "new chapter every Friday" part... because you're getting a chapter today instead! Because I'm going to be away from Thursday to Sunday, and I really don't want to post an update when I'm only on my netbook (it's not a huge amount of work, but it would be so much more of a hassle on the netbook, trust me), I decided I'd just publish early instead.

So you can go read Chapter 016: A man of his word now!

Chapter 015

There we go, Chapter 015: Office meeting is up! Enjoy.

Also, I said I wouldn't make any promises, and I stand by that - but, my intention is that at least until the end of this volume, I will post a new chapter every Friday. Then there might be a slightly longer break before the next volume but we shall see about that.

Chapter 013, Chapter 014 and one-month anniversary

Well, I was intending to post a chapter last week, but that ended up not happening due to a variety of other projects colliding. So I hope to make that up to you with today's double update! Chapter 013: Galt and Chapter 014: Divide have both now been published for you.

And more (?) importantly, today is the official one month anniversary of Pure Corruption! It feels like longer to me, honestly, but yes - it's been one month since I on my birthday launched the site, posted the first volume, got things going on deviantArt and slightly later started posting it on too. So far, the page here has gotten 84 views - a humble beginning! Over at there's been 99 views from 50-something visitors (the stats page on is a goddamn mess). On dA I'd have to count each chapter's views manually and I'm not doing that, but I've already gotten some favourites over there.

So I wish to take this moment to say thank you to everyone who has been following it so far, and I hope you'll continue following as the story progresses!


Chapter 012

Well, I'm trying to keep a bit of a schedule here... let's see how long that lasts. Chapter 012: The answer is now available for your reading pleasure.