Monthly Archives: January 2023

This chapter comes with a realization

The important part is that Chapter 058: Kickoff is published.

I struggled with this chapter for a long time. My summer job drained me (but I'm still going to apply for that summer job this year, because cash cash money), and then I just ended up in one of those situations where I had stared at the same chapter for so long that I drove myself mad over it. Eventually it all came together... and then some last-minute editing discussions delayed it further. I had hoped to get it published before 2023, but anyway. I'm noting that I only published two chapters in all of 2022 and I am incredibly embarrased over that.

If there's one thing I've really figured out now it is that I need to just stop obsessing over details. That's the one New Year's resolution I'm making for myself in 2023: When it comes to writing Pure Corruption, I'm going to stop trying to get every single little detail absolutely perfect. It's more important that I get the chapters done, obviously I won't just half-ass them, but I'm not going to let perfect be the enemy of good. The worst case scenario is that I in retrospect realize something needs to be fixed, and then I cna just... fix it. It's my story. My page. I'm never gonna do any big retcons, but I am open to fixing smaller details in post. Like we journalists do.

Looking over things, I also realized there's only two more chapters in this volume (barring having to split one for length), so the progress page has been fixed accordingly. The progress bar for 059 is honestly not really telling the full story, as the chapter is already almost done, and is just one important paragraph, some connective tissue, and one final coat of polish away from going to proofreading. So expect that soon. Ish.
