I can't apologize enough for the wait - I really didn't want it to be this long - but now, Chapter 036: Hunt and gather is finally here. Definitely hoping the next chapter will come much more swiftly!
Also, fun fact: "Hunt and gather" is what I originally had titled the previous chapter, but it ended up not fitting that one, so that's why 035 has a kind of lame chapter name. Yep.
And! Don't forget about Summer Games Done Quick 2017 starting on Sunday, a weeklong speedrunning marathon for charity, benefiting Doctors Without Borders!
Edit: Additionally, at least according to the word counter on FF.net (and that miiiiight not be 100% accurate given the hoops I have to jump through to submit there, but it's the best total I have, so I'm going by it), Pure Corruption has now broken 100,000 words! Not bad, not bad.