Monthly Archives: April 2017

A few things actually happen in Chapter 034

Look at that it's actually an update. Go ahead and read Chapter 034: What the map didn't show!

Also belated Happy Easter and oh god I have so much shit to doooooooooooo

Edit: And since I just made a cover image for this story over at but I don't think you should read this on, I'm going to show it to you here too. Muse gets to be the cover girl because she's the one I have a good colour portrait of (credit to Miranda Cablk). A portrait that will appear in full once I actually get done with that Gallery page I've been intending to add for forever.

Edit again: Updated with a slightly changed version. Very slightly.

You’ve waited a month for Chapter 033 and then it’s just a transitional chapter

Oooookay, that took longer than I had hoped but finally there's a chapter for you. So you can go ahead and read Chapter 033: Status report now. No promises on when the next chapter will land, but I've made good progress on it.

In other news, the site uses https now. Currently, there's a lot of old links lying around that's pointing to http instead of https. I'm going to go through the site and fix those over the coming days.

Update: All permanent links should be https now. I didn't bother with links in news posts made prior to this one, though. The Cast page was also stealthily updated while I was at it, and some previously missed typos here and there were found and swiftly dealt with. So now you can feel even more secure while you're reading this dumb One Piece fanfiction.