Christmas Eve is here, and over here in Swedenland that's the day of celebrations. So I figured I'd extend the season's greetings to all of my fans! That's right, all four of you. Holiday writing has kept on trucking and the status of the next four chapters are that two are done and in the hands of my proofreader, one is half done and one is very almost done. So, your waiting is almost over! With one week left in the year, I promise that anything that reaches a status of completed - that is, fully written and has gone through the proofreading/editing process - this year will also get published this year. To make up for the fact that I haven't posted any new chapters since October. It'll be my Christmas/New Year's present to you all.
So from all of me, to all of you, a very Merry Christmas! Or whatever holiday it is that you celebrate. Happy Holidays!
Edit: And, fittingly enough, my Secret Santa on a Swedish gaming forum got me a One Piece scheduling calendar thing. This probably won't have any impact on my Pure Corruption publishing schedule.