And with Chapter 026, we’re back in business

Almost exactly three months since the previous chapter, a new chapter is finally here!

Yes, believe it or not - but Chapter 026: A dangerous prisoner is up. Go read it! Yay! Okay, so it's kind of a talky chapter. Action will ensue later. And lots of it.

With that I've got good news and... well, also good news, actually: Assuming my proofreader gets the chapters back to me at a constant rate we're going to be back to weekly updates (every Friday!) for at least a little while (definitely until the end of the current volume, and probably a little longer), and the other good news is connected to that since me and David (that's my proofreader. Say hi to David, everyone) have streamlined the process slightly. Very slightly. So slight you're not going to notice any of it.


Also, don't forget to catch Awesome Games Done Quick 2017, a speedrun marathon for charity. Starts on Sunday.

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