No, not yet

There won't be an update today either and now I'm going away again! But that means... maybe even more writing. First, I'm heading off to a speedrun marathon - European Speedrunner Assembly, starting on Saturday. I have two runs, both on Monday my time, one on stream one - Mighty Gunvolt - and one on stream two - Ninja Smasher! - featured. Come watch me! Then I'm immediately heading for a con on Wednesday, so.

But work has been done, one chapter's in proofreading and the next one is not too far behind. I promise you will get more chapters before summer is over.

In case you were wondering…

No chapter today, and since I'll be away and publishing on the netbook would be extreme suffering, no chapter next week either. But being away, specifically going to my parents' place, means having less things to distract myself with, and I know from experience that always means more writing being done. Train rides are good for writing too, so, chances are I'll have some surprises for you soon enough. So there's that.

After way longer than I wanted, Chapter 036 is here

I can't apologize enough for the wait - I really didn't want it to be this long - but now, Chapter 036: Hunt and gather is finally here. Definitely hoping the next chapter will come much more swiftly!

Also, fun fact: "Hunt and gather" is what I originally had titled the previous chapter, but it ended up not fitting that one, so that's why 035 has a kind of lame chapter name. Yep.

And! Don't forget about Summer Games Done Quick 2017 starting on Sunday, a weeklong speedrunning marathon for charity, benefiting Doctors Without Borders!

Edit: Additionally, at least according to the word counter on (and that miiiiight not be 100% accurate given the hoops I have to jump through to submit there, but it's the best total I have, so I'm going by it), Pure Corruption has now broken 100,000 words! Not bad, not bad.

Almost there, folks

Right, so. It's been over a month, I should probably have made some post earlier. But the wait should be over reasonably soon, the chapter is in proofreading. Had hoped to post it yesterday, but I'm not posting it until I'm 100% sure it's done. I'll post it when it's gone gold, so it should be soon. Thanks for bearing with me.

Happy birthday, Pure Corruption

May 14th, 2016. One year ago it was.

It was the day of my 30th birthday. Yes, that means that today is my 31st birthday.

It was also the day that this website officially went live, and Pure Corruption was launched. So today is also the one-year anniversary of this dumb One Piece fanfiction.

I've been working on it for longer than that. The idea brewed in my head for a long, long time, and the first chapter drop took quite some time.

But here we are now. A full year later. 35 chapters later. Not quite 100k words yet, but very almost.

Slightly less than I had hoped for - but I'm still going to consider it kind of impressive that I got so much written during the year that's my final year before my master's degree. I'm currently working on my final project. Deadline is looming. At least I will have more time to write once that's over.

First of all I want to extend a very special thanks to the person who's been with me since before the start, the one I've gotten into innumerable arguments about the minutiae of English with, the creator of Mirise and Muse - my trusted proofreader, David Cablk. Couldn't have done this without you.

So what's in store for Pure Corruption in its second year? Some minor site updates, I hope, finally getting to add that gallery page, and of course, hopefully, many more chapters. By this time next year, I want to at the very, very least have reached chapter 070.

35 chapters, by the way?

Well, yes. Of course I couldn't let a one year anniversary update come without publishing a chapter as well.

So here you go - Chapter 035: Mysteries of a forest is ready and waiting. Please enjoy.

And I hope you'll be with me for another year of One Piece: Pure Corruption!

My best regards,
Sten Magnus "KennyMan666" von Goës Karlström

Not dead – just busy

So, yeah, I got a whole lot of stuff to do, so I don't know when the next update will happen. But I did just the other day have a bit of a breakthrough in writing, figuring out some details I had been struggling with for a while. So it may be soon. Ish.

A few things actually happen in Chapter 034

Look at that it's actually an update. Go ahead and read Chapter 034: What the map didn't show!

Also belated Happy Easter and oh god I have so much shit to doooooooooooo

Edit: And since I just made a cover image for this story over at but I don't think you should read this on, I'm going to show it to you here too. Muse gets to be the cover girl because she's the one I have a good colour portrait of (credit to Miranda Cablk). A portrait that will appear in full once I actually get done with that Gallery page I've been intending to add for forever.

Edit again: Updated with a slightly changed version. Very slightly.

You’ve waited a month for Chapter 033 and then it’s just a transitional chapter

Oooookay, that took longer than I had hoped but finally there's a chapter for you. So you can go ahead and read Chapter 033: Status report now. No promises on when the next chapter will land, but I've made good progress on it.

In other news, the site uses https now. Currently, there's a lot of old links lying around that's pointing to http instead of https. I'm going to go through the site and fix those over the coming days.

Update: All permanent links should be https now. I didn't bother with links in news posts made prior to this one, though. The Cast page was also stealthily updated while I was at it, and some previously missed typos here and there were found and swiftly dealt with. So now you can feel even more secure while you're reading this dumb One Piece fanfiction.

When I started writing Chapter 032 I actually had no idea how they were going to get down from the roof

Here we are, Chapter 032: The little ship that disappeared into the night has arrived - and with it, the conclusion of the W4 arc. It's been an interesting arc to write because a lot of things ended up happening pretty differently from what I had envisioned when I started writing it. Would you believe that I hadn't even come up with the idea of the Knights of W4 until after I had already started writing the chapter in which Cagizo first appears? Some things were planned to happen but didn't, a lot of things that weren't planned happened anyway, and a bunch of things happened in different ways and to different people. More than anything it's been emblematic of the way I keep getting the characters into situations that I don't know how they're going to get out of, so I have to figure out how they're going to get out of the corner I've written them into. At least it means I force myself to be creative.

So anyway.

No promises about a chapter next week, but I have gotten back into the writing groove somewhat. Stay tuned.

Going to be touch and go for a little bit

Right, I'm officially switching back to a "when it's done" chapter release schedule since I'm in a pretty intense period of university right now. Soon I'll be starting the actual work part of my final project, which, while a lot of work, will also be a lot of technically unscheduled time as in no lectures or other things to hand in, and that should make it easier for me to fit in more writing and I should hopefully be able to do weekly chapters for a while, at least. Stay tuned. Maybe a chapter this week, but no promises. If not this week, then almost certainly next week.