And a very Pure Corruption Christmas to you

Christmas Eve is here, and over here in Swedenland that's the day of celebrations. So I figured I'd extend the season's greetings to all of my fans! That's right, all four of you. Holiday writing  has kept on trucking and the status of the next four chapters are that two are done and in the hands of my proofreader, one is half done and one is very almost done. So, your waiting is almost over! With one week left in the year, I promise that anything that reaches a status of completed - that is, fully written and has gone through the proofreading/editing process - this year will also get published this year. To make up for the fact that I haven't posted any new chapters since October. It'll be my Christmas/New Year's present to you all.

So from all of me, to all of you,  a very Merry Christmas! Or whatever holiday it is that you celebrate. Happy Holidays!

Edit: And, fittingly enough, my Secret Santa on a Swedish gaming forum got me a One Piece scheduling calendar thing. This probably won't have any impact on my Pure Corruption publishing schedule.


Holiday times are good writing times.

Nothing new's been published and definitely won't be until I'm back at my real computer sometime between Christmas and New Year's, BUT writing has resumed in full force  - not one, but TWO chapters are now in the hands of my proofreader/editor and the next two, which are the ones that'll wrap up the current volume, are well underway. Depending on what the next few days look like for me, volume 3 might even be done before 2017. If not, it'll be fairly early in 2017.


Where I’m at

Well - I figure I should give you guys a status update once in a while.

First, the good news is that I'm approaching the end of my internship - I have no more deadlines, no more articles to write. In fact, I only have one single task remaining, which is the new website for the magazine I'm doing my internship at. Technically my internship ends at the end of next week - I started August 15th, and it's only supposed to be four months - but I'm not going to let go of working on the website until I'm satisifed with it. Then I've got two assignments before the end of the first semester of the master's degree, which is at the end of January. After that... I think it's time for me to start working on my master's thesis. That sure is going to be a thing.

The... well, I'm not calling it bad news, but news about things that interferes with Pure Corruption: Since it's December, I have another writing project going, where I over at a Swedish gaming forum post a text every day of the month (it's in the form of an advent calendar, go figure) where I sum up my gaming year. And then there's all the other stuff surrounding Christmas...

...and, uh, I got Odin Sphere Leifthrasir for the PSVita last Friday. I've been kind of playing a lot of that.

I have every intention of getting at least one more chapter posted before 2017. It's actually almost done, but I'm not satisfied with parts of it. But soon I can start working on it in a more focused way.

So that's about it for now. Hope you'll stick around.

Without much fanfare, but…

So... hi.

Well, let's get one thing over with right away - no new chapter today.

But today deserves special mention, because today is the sixth month anniversary of Pure Corruption. (and of course I spent so long getting this message posted that it's already the 15th over here.)

Half a year, it's been live. 25 chapters in half a year. It's a bit less than I had wanted, but life kinda got in the way, especially recently. But I'm working on it. I'm currently doing internship at a magazine as the first semester of my master's degree in journalism, and there's a deadline approaching, to lots of stuff to do right now.

The next chapter is pretty close to being done, really. I wanted to have it done last week, but... didn't happen. The US election results made me legit mad to the point where I couldn't concentrate on anything for a bit. To all my US fans, if I have any, my condoleances about your country and I hope you'll do well in the post-apocalyptic wasteland that the next four years will be for you. Tap into your inner Kenshiro.

So anyway.

I want to extend a big thank you to all of you that's been with me for the first half year, and a special-er thanks to my trusted proofreader David Cablk.

I wanted to give you more for this milestone, but I'll leave you with one thing that really should have been on the site already - I've been working on a Gallery page, but I haven't worked out a layout I actually like for it yet. So here's a coloured portrait of Muse, actually a coloured version of the picture that her Cast page picture has been cut from. The portrait was drawn by David Cablk's wife, Miranda Cablk. (Click on the thumbnail for the full size version.)

I certainly hope you'll be with me for at least another six months, and that I'll have more free time to write soon!

Sten Magnus "KennyMan666" von Goës Karlström

The good news is that Chapter 025 is here…

...the bad news is that I'm officially no longer going to stay on a consistent updating schedule.

But first things first - Chapter 025: W4 (which is probably going to stay the shortest chapter title for qute a while) is up for your reading pleasure, so please go ahead and read it.

And then there's the matter of the updates. I really wanted to stick to weekly updates. I really, really did. Even had a certain day of the week to do it too. But I have significantly less free time now than I used to, and I do have other things I want to do with my spare time as well. So from now on, new chapters will be released on a strict "when it's done (and has been proofread)" basis. We're officially past the halfway point of this volume, anyway, and I hope you want to stick around anyway!

A potential (shorter) delay

Right, so the chapter is finished and in the hands of my proofreader so I'm just waiting for comments from him - being in different time zones however means there's a chance I won't have it completely done until tomorrow. Won't be a week wait this time, at least.

UPDATE: Have not received comments yet. Might not be until Monday. Sorry. Just so we're clear on this, the only one I'm blaming is myself since I didn't get the chapter done in time.

Finally, Chapter 024


So I had a few issues while writing this chapter. Some scenes just weren't coming out the way I wanted them. But now it's all done, and now it's here, you can go read Chapter 024: Team spirit (which, by the way, is a title I decided on technically after it had been published. It was briefly named Team effort, which even that was a title I had decided on less than half an hour ago. I didn't know what to call this chapter, because the title I had in mind for it ended up becoming the title of Chapter 025 instead). Again, apologies for the delay and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter more than I did writing it.

An unfortunate delay

Right, so I'm pretty convinced now that there won't be a chapter today. I ran out of my chapter buffer, and got a lot more things to do this week than I thought I would. Plus I hit a bit of a snag in writing the next chapter. I did get past that and I'm definitely finishing the chapter today, but I'm not publishing anything without having it go through proofreading first. And my proofreader/editor isn't always around at the weekends, so at this point in time, I can make no promises but I hope I'll be publishing it at the latest on Monday. So to all three of my fans, sorry 'bout that.

UPDATE: Nope. At this point, I'm just going to go ahead and say that the next update will be on Friday. So I missed a week. Hoping to make it up to you with a double update some time before this volume is over.

It wasn’t until I wrote Chapter 023 I wanted to be able to type a beli symbol

But alas, there was no way to do so, so you'll just have to read Chapter 023: Wanted (so yeah guess why I wanted, pun intended, that symbol) without one. I found a slightly more fancy B to use for it, though.

I was going to say something about nudity in Chapter 022 but it’s not even the first time

Maybe a little late but it's still Friday goddamnit

At least here. For another hour.

So, yeah, you can now go read Chapter 022: While the sun rises. It contains scenes with people in various states of undress. It's another chapter that kind of happened by accident, but I really like this one, if I'm allowed to say things like that.

Also why didn't anyone tell me the links to the last chapter on the Chapters page and Volume 03 page were wrong. Fixed now.