...and I really want to see it through. That's why the recent slowness in progress makes me feel bad.
That's not to say that Pure Corruption, as a concept, makes me feel bad. Even though I don't know if I have any real audience, I still feel like I let them down when progress just isn't happening.
I'm not gonna list a bunch of excuses, here. Because they'd be just that, excuses. The only thing I'll mention is that, in the end, Pure Corruption is just a hobby and nothing I make money doing, not to say that that makes me less motivated to do it. But it means that it has to "compete" for my time with many other things I like or love doing that I also don't make any money doing.
This is my 35th birthday, the fifth anniversary of Pure Corruption, and the first anniversary that does not come with the publication of a new chapter. But it's not a completely empty anniversary. It's just gonna be dedicated to some other things.
First of all, the cast page has finally been updated, reflecting the structure of the New Harmony Pirates (and another thing I had to do Just Because). Some updates to individual character pages have been made too, with some polish still to come.
Second, I've put into action a project of standardization and extremely minor updates of chapters. Currently, the Prologue and Chapter 001 have been edited... but you don't have to reread anything, it's really just minor text cleanup and maybe a handful of words changed to make a sentence flow a little better, not counting fixing any typos I might find. There will be absolutely no changes to the story itself. I'm not gonna be mentioning each time I update something but I'll let you know when it's all done.
Third... well, it's more of second-and-a-half, since it's directly related to the above—Pure Corruption is as of today on Archive of our Own, and over the course of the coming weeks I'll get it up to date on there. This doesn't mean I'm posting it in four places now, as Pure Corruption is no longer posted on deviantArt since the site update that fucked up everything for writers. It'll just be here, FF.net, and AO3. So it was for the AO3 posting I started cleaning up things, but I won't be updating any chapters on FF.net with that.
That doesn't feel entirely enough as anniversary content, though. So, I've got one more bit of bonus content for you.
In the latest Chapter 051, there was a bit of a walkthrough of Aniara. Kind of overly detailed in places. There was a reason for that, as I had used a tool to furnish the rooms. So I suppose I can share that with you here—kinda sorta the blueprints of Aniara. To a degree, at least—these pictures and the measurements shown are not to be taken as absolute gospel, they were something I made to make sure that everything could actually fit in the rooms, and how things would be laid out. They're for reference, nothing more. The arrows indicate in what direction the ship's bow lies, as I did not think things through enough before I started making these, so I did not make all of them point in the same direction. Click them for big.

So that will be all from me for today. Hoping to have more content for you soon.
Until then.