In under the wire!

With less than five hours left of 2021 in my time zone, I decided to give you one last classic Friday update of the year. I have now published Chapter 055: Archer girl. The next two chapters are also in proofreading (it used to be one chapter, but had to be split, soooo), so they should come soon enough.

2021 has been a fairly good year for Pure Corruption. I don't actually know how many chapters I ended up publishing, but we finally got actual art of Rink, and the audiobooks started as well. The future is bright, I'd say!

And with that, there's not much left for me to do other than wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, and hope that you'll want to stick with Pure Corruption for yet another year!


Announcing the Pure Corruption audiobooks!

Exciting news today, as another person joins the Pure Corruption team and brings a whole new aspect of it to the table!

I am proud to announce the official launch of the One Piece: Pure Corruption audiobooks, a project headed by The Fanfic Guy! So just sit back and relax and let his soothing voice bring you the story, with no need for you to strain your eyes by staring at a bright screen. Right now, you can hear the Prologue and Chapter 001: Avasine, city on the waves as read by him, and I will be sure to post when more chapters get added.

I hope you will enjoy this addition to the project, and another text chapter should also be coming in the quite near future. Until then!


Despite other stuff, there’s actually a chapter!

So hey here's an update in the form of Chapter 054: Four Knights and five pirates.

The fact that there's an update today even though I've got Metroid Dread to play is basically because the next chapter was originally planned to have two sections, but I decided to make the first section its own chapter after being done with it. So that one's in proofreading, this one was ready to publish, so, here we are!

Please enjoy!


Back where they started

I will freely admit that, going by what I say on the progress page, I should have published last week. I won't make any excuses but I can absolutely say that not doing that did not in any way extend the time it's going to take until I publish the next chapter.

But now we're here with Chapter 053: Avasine, city under siege. Returning to the city where the journey started for real, but things are different now! Please enjoy and I'll see you again here hopefully soon.


A picture AND four thousand words

A little while ago, I started doing something I should have started doing much longer ago. That something has resulted in a whole lot of progress. Enough progress for the publishing of a new chapter.

Chapter 052: Protocol, which might not be the most exciting of chapters after this long a break, but the next one is just about ready to go up itself, and the one after that is already at worst halfway done. Probably more, as I currently believe it's going to be a comparatively short chapter (but then again, that's what I thought about 52 too, and that one nearly hit my 4k word limit).

But there's also one more thing that's happened since... thanks to my proofreader/editor/at this point kinda co-author David Cablk, there now finally exists an actual picture of Rink! You can see it on the cast page and her profile page, but those are just in black and white to go with the other cast pictured, while the original of this Rink picture was in colour. So, I made a "cover" with the picture to show it off, in the same style as the one I did with Muse's picture once upon a time. I've got some more picture-related plans coming, but for now, please enjoy Rink Kazai. Click it for a not-mildly-downsized version. I don't know why it does that.

I love it.

(also, no, I did not forget to add it to her wanted poster. I'm not using this image for her current poster, for reasons that might become apparent when you read this and the next chapter. But a picture for the poster is under construction.)


I love Pure Corruption

...and I really want to see it through. That's why the recent slowness in progress makes me feel bad.

That's not to say that Pure Corruption, as a concept, makes me feel bad. Even though I don't know if I have any real audience, I still feel like I let them down when progress just isn't happening.

I'm not gonna list a bunch of excuses, here. Because they'd be just that, excuses. The only thing I'll mention is that, in the end, Pure Corruption is just a hobby and nothing I make money doing, not to say that that makes me less motivated to do it. But it means that it has to "compete" for my time with many other things I like or love doing that I also don't make any money doing.


This is my 35th birthday, the fifth anniversary of Pure Corruption, and the first anniversary that does not come with the publication of a new chapter. But it's not a completely empty anniversary. It's just gonna be dedicated to some other things.

First of all, the cast page has finally been updated, reflecting the structure of the New Harmony Pirates (and another thing I had to do Just Because). Some updates to individual character pages have been made too, with some polish still to come.

Second, I've put into action a project of standardization and extremely minor updates of chapters. Currently, the Prologue and Chapter 001 have been edited... but you don't have to reread anything, it's really just minor text cleanup and maybe a handful of words changed to make a sentence flow a little better, not counting fixing any typos I might find. There will be absolutely no changes to the story itself. I'm not gonna be mentioning each time I update something but I'll let you know when it's all done.

Third... well, it's more of second-and-a-half, since it's directly related to the above—Pure Corruption is as of today on Archive of our Own, and over the course of the coming weeks I'll get it up to date on there. This doesn't mean I'm posting it in four places now, as Pure Corruption is no longer posted on deviantArt since the site update that fucked up everything for writers. It'll just be here,, and AO3. So it was for the AO3 posting I started cleaning up things, but I won't be updating any chapters on with that.

That doesn't feel entirely enough as anniversary content, though. So, I've got one more bit of bonus content for you.

In the latest Chapter 051, there was a bit of a walkthrough of Aniara. Kind of overly detailed in places. There was a reason for that, as I had used a tool to furnish the rooms. So I suppose I can share that with you here—kinda sorta the blueprints of Aniara. To a degree, at least—these pictures and the measurements shown are not to be taken as absolute gospel, they were something I made to make sure that everything could actually fit in the rooms, and how things would be laid out. They're for reference, nothing more. The arrows indicate in what direction the ship's bow lies, as I did not think things through enough before I started making these, so I did not make all of them point in the same direction. Click them for big.

So that will be all from me for today. Hoping to have more content for you soon.

Until then.


A promise kept

I said January and it's still January!

So yes—Volume 06: The New Harmony Pirates is here, and with it, Chapter 051: A ship of love. Which turned out to really not be as short as I thought it would be, coming in just shy of 3500 words. Despite the fact that this very much is a transitional chapter between the Gondol arc and the arc that's about to kick off.

It also contains a thing that, uh, you might notice isn't 100% complete and I have no idea when it'll be. So, yeah.

No real promises I can make now, but the next two chapters are getting written sort of simultaneously and they're coming in pretty well so far.

Also, the character page will update at some point between now and the next chapter being published.


Progress is back!

There was a little delay, because writing the next chapter ended up having more hurdles than I thought. But now they're done and the chapter's in proofreading, which I though was good enough to get the first progress bars for the next volume up! Still very much aiming at getting the chapter published before January is over, so hopefully my proofreader gets back to me in time. So see you next week, I hope!


…and a Happy New Year!

And so 2020 is over in my time zone! Hoping for 2021 to be better, in... several ways. Including my updating schedule.

Now, I had fully intended to get a chapter off to proofreading before the year ended. That did not end up actually happening, because of something I found that I had to do, which is very directly related to the writing of said chapter and had to be mostly done first. The good news is that it is mostly done and while it's mostly for personal reference to make certain things make sense (and what that is will make sense once the chapter goes up), I might post it in some form.


I did spend parts of my New Year's Eve writing—not like I was gonna go out partying anyway—and while canonical progress bars won't be up until the next volume starts getting posted, chapter 051 is just shy of 2k words at the moment. And, uh, will end up being a little bit longer than I had initially thought it would. But it should still start and end in the originally planned spots, I absolutely cannot imagine I'm not more than halfway through writing it.

I'll take this opportunity to thank all of you, as well as my trusty proofreader David Cablk for sticking with me throughout this utter disaster of a year and hope you'll want to stick with me for another, hopefully better one.

Here's to 2021 and a gott nytt år to you all!


At long last…

We're here.

We're actually here.

Chapter 050: Captain has been published, thus finishing up Volume 05: Aniara. Chapter 049: That sinking feeling has also been kinda re-published, as I noticed that all the italics that were supposed to be there had disappeared in one publishing step for kinda stupid reasons, so there was a lot of missing emphasis.

As you might figure from the title of it, this is quite a pivotal chapter, and basically the conclusion of the first "season" of Pure Corruption. So, so much in this one have been planned since years ago.

So, it's December. Christmas and New Year's are coming. Not that I'll be traveling, due to the pandemic. And I'm not really taking a break, either, though there's a bit of a planned break. In the sense of that I'll keep writing, and it is in every single way my intention to start publishing the next volume in January 2021. In the meantime, I'll also be doing some behind-the-scenes site maintenance. Just to standardize some things. Some cast page updates are in the pipeline.

So that's all for now. The next few chapters are likely to be a bit shorter than the latest set of doozies, at least.
