It's not even Friday.
But I've published a chapter anyway, because it was about damn time. So here's Chapter 044: Anni and Rin-rin, for your reading pleasure. And as you can see on the progress page, there's quite a bit in the pipeline too. I fully intend to get another chapter published by the end of the year - not before Christmas though. But I'll certainly be doing a bunch of writing over my Christmas... "break", I guess you can call it.
For here's the good news: I have a job now. It's not in the field I have my master's degree in, but it is a job at the university, which should be good for connections in the future. Said job doesn't actually start for real until January, but I've been to the introduction for it, and I have one "trial" workday on Tuesday, and then one January 8th, and after that I can actually start working for real and get paid. Which means my free time is now free time, and not free-but-not-really-because-I-should-be-applying-for-jobs-time. It's been something that hasn't made me feel good, and was giving me a resounding feeling of "meh" about a lot of stuff. Having too much of not doing anything made me feel like I got burned out, in a weird way.
But that's all over now! Now that I have a job, I can use my free time on all my hobbies. Which will absolutely involve writing. So 2020 should be a much better year both for me personally and for Pure Corruption.
And just so I don't forget - Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice/whatever you celebrate!