Alright! We're finally here!
And as promised, I present you with Chapter 042: Family business. Eesh. That one was supposed to have come last year, but anyway. Here's to 2019!
Alright! We're finally here!
And as promised, I present you with Chapter 042: Family business. Eesh. That one was supposed to have come last year, but anyway. Here's to 2019!
Posted in Updates
I'm gonna keep this fairly short, 'cause I'm currently doing New Year's at a friend's mom's place. But I've wanted to give you a bit of an update, at least.
As you can see on the chapter progress page, which didn't get updated over Christmas for a wide variety of reasons and I now have changed to be more truthful about when I've actually been updating it, the next chapter is done and will be published on Friday, so you havethat to look forwards to.
I'm not going to give any big New Year's Resolution about publishing more. I wish I could, but - I have an update on what I said in my last news post. I have jobs now. Yes, jobs. Plural.
One that makes use of my skills - I'm an interviewer for a research company, so I go around and do surveys.
And one that is what I like doing more than anything - writing about video games. Reviewing. So far, this year, since getting the job, I've written reviews of one forgettable indie game on the Switch eShop, Super Mario Party, Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Okay, so that last one hasn't been great for my writing progress. But anyway.
So a big thank you to everyone who's been with me for 2018, sorry for not giving you more chapters, and I hope you'll stay for what's hopefully going to be a more productive 2019!
Posted in News
So remember when I said that thing about publishing when I had four chapters ready to go? How I broke that to publish on the anniversary but was going to keep with it for the upcoming three?
Yeeeeeeah, about that.
See - that was more or less predicated on that I would actually be able to keep writing at a steady pace. Explanations to come - first let's give you what you're presumably actually here for, which is a chapter! And a new feature.
Chapter 041: Home, sweet home was noted as being ready to publish, and now it's published, after forever and a half. Please, enjoy.
I've also added something new to the site - under Extras, you can now find a more involved chapter progress page, that I - weekly at a minimum - will update to show what progress is being made on the next four chapters of the current volume. If there's less than four chapters left in the volume, progress being made on the remaining chapters of the volume. Since volume breaks are always slightly special anyway. It's not much of an apology, and it being there probably won't speed up my writing any more than I already want to speed it up, but I wanted to to something.
So, anyway. Why did things take this long? What happened?
A number of things. Let's start with my studies. My final project for my master's degree in journalism had been hanging over me for some time, it took a lot longer to get done than it was supposed to, and someone also actively lied to me about things regarding when I could get it graded, which led to me first having to wait 2-3 months from sending it in to actually getting it back, and after correcting what I had to correct for a passing grade and sending it in a week after getting feedback, the examinator had already gone on vacation, so I had to wait until late September (after he had said I'd get it early September). I still had one change to make, which amounted to literally one page in a document, and somehow that took 11 days to get read after being sent in. At least I finally got it all done and got a passing grade, so now I actually have a master's degree in journalism. Make no mistake, that's one of the proudest achievements of my life, but towards the end it got annoying.
But once one is done with school, then comes the next bit. Finding a goddamn job. And journalism? Even with a master's degree, that is not an easy market to find anything solid in. I've been applying to several journalism jobs, as well as a bunch of other jobs that suit my skillset. Worked one day as a transport driver, where they thought I did a bad job because they assumed I had skills I had never once claimed I possessed. Actually have landed what should be my dream job - although it's extremely part-time and I haven't gotten paid yet - which is writing about video games, so I get some free games out of that, at least. I also have a thing that isn't journalism but makes use of what I've learned in my journalism studies lined up that I'll go try out next week. Obviously having jobs is good - but it also means less time to write. So, there you go.
That means I haven't had a job for quite some time. So, I'm not proud of this, but this means I've been living off of my parents for a while. And one condition I got for that was that I had to do something productive with my time, study something, so I'm currently taking two courses, one in filmmaking - since I got really hooked on TV production during my journalism studies, film felt like a natural next step - and one in science fiction and fantasy writing - which I picked after the course I was going to take in creative writing got cancelled, so I jumped on that one in the hopes it'd give some pointers and stuff I could use for Pure Corruption. I'm learning things, and some are actually useful, but again, it takes up time.
So add all of that to the ongoing frustration about finally getting done with my education and still not being able to find anything in my field, and you can probably see why my motivation hasn't always been the greatest these last six months. Edit: Oh, and let's not forget Evernote (which I use to do my writing) making things terrible in updates making me refuse to update and then cocking some other stuff up, leading to a snag in my workflow when it comes to working on writing when I'm not at home.
And, okay, getting a Switch with Breath of the Wild back in May, followed by Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition, and getting Diablo III Eternal Collection for it last Friday, probably hasn't helped tons. But, y'know.
To end this on a slightly more uplifting note, while I might not have been steadily writing on these coming few chapters, it's not like I haven't been working on Pure Corruption at all. Fact is, there's a bunch of things that have happened, some plans have been changed, and things have been written. It's just that those aren't things that you guys are going to be seeing for quite some time, but it'll at least mean things will be faster once we get there. I've had certain things planned from the very start - because if I know what plot developments I'm working towards, they won't look like they happen for no reason when they actually happen. Gotta know what the goal is to be able to reach it naturally.
That got long. So I like words. Sue me.
Edit: Also, long overdue, but the cast page has now been updated with Charon's profile and a page for the other members of the Bluefin Expedition. Yay!
Posted in Updates
And here we are again. My birthday, and the second anniversary of One Piece: Pure Corruption.
The second year has been much, much slower than the first year. And I do have the very good excuse of getting my master's degree and then looking for a job as reasons for that.
I'm not done with all four coming chapters. But not publishing one today would just feel wrong. So I've done so.
Volume 05: Aniara, and with that, Chapter 040: Girl talk are here. Yay!
And speaking of the name of that volume...
Today I'm also officially launching something else, very experimental, that I've been working on a little. See, Pure Corruption isn't my only project. I create content for things in a variety of ways, but I've never really had somewhere to collect all these. That has now changed, as I've created a web sandbox/project "hub" for all of my projects - which also, completely coincidentally*, bears the name Aniara. As a companion to that is a Discord server of the same name, which includes a category for chatting about Pure Corruption, if that is something anyone's wanted. It can be reached here.
I'll keep updating those progress meters in the previous news post. I'll try to actually keep up the publishing of chapters now.
And I hope you'll keep enjoying Pure Corruption despite how terrible I am at sticking to a good release schedule.
To all of my readers: A sincere thank you!
*not actually a coincidence, I just like that name.
Posted in Updates
I know some of you still check in to see if there's something new. At least that's what the site stats tell me. So I figure I should let you know that things are still progressing, albeit slowly. So here's the current status of the upcoming four chapters:
EDIT: This feature has been replaced by the chapter progress page.
Chapter 040 was published ahead of time for the anniversary - the other three will be posted on a once a week schedule when all of them are done.
Posted in News
Right then, here we are. 2017 was a dumb year, 2018... is not at all guaranteed to be better. But anyway - a Happy New Year to all my readers! I promise to try to get more chapters published this year - I've had a lot of things to do this last year, but my master's degree is very close now (though then it's time to start job hunting, so, y'know).
I hope you'll want to stick with me despite this recent schedule slipping. I got some writing done over the holiday breaks, at least!
Posted in News
I really was telling the truth in that last post. I didn't finish the editing until today. But you get two chapters at the same time! Oh boy!
So wrapping up Volume 04: On the run is Chapter 038: A fish out of water and Chapter 039: Curiosity.
With this, I'm noticing that it took a painful 7 months for volume 4 to get fully published. That is far, far too slow, though I will note that those 7 months have also contained the majority of my work on my final project for my master's degree, so. Next volume should be quicker in every way. And now I'm taking a "planned" break, which means that - as previously mentioned - I'll start publishing chapters again when I have at least 4 chapters done, so I can do weekly updates for a month.
Posted in Updates
So, yeah, I had meant to publish today, but I haven't heard from my proofreader at all this week, so, y'know.
But here's the plan for the near future. A promise, if you will.
The next two chapters, 038 and 039, will be published immediately when they're done - having gone through proofreading and editing. No waiting until next Friday, as I've been doing most of the time. Chapter 039 concludes Volume 04, and then there'll be a deliberate break between volumes. Volume 05 will start publishing when I have enough finished material for weekly updates for at least a month.
So there you go.
Posted in News
I meant to post this post earlier today but kept forgetting about it until now so yeah
As you may have gathered, no chapter today. This is for reasons including but not limited to computer problems (that were fixed before this was posted). It's near certain there'll be a chapter next week, though. Keep your fingers crossed.
Posted in News
...and some more things happen. But the important part is that Chapter 037: The Bluefin Expedition is here, for you.
The next chapter is almost done so the delay should be shorter for that one.
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