So that didn’t happen

So... okay... yeah. I didn't mean to lie, but... no more chapters in 2019. I hadn't heard back from my proofreader regarding the chapter in question, and then I ended up getting sick after Christmas, so... yeah.

I'm doing New Year's on my own this year, didn't feel like I should go out while still recovering. But 2020 is, as I've mentioned previously, the year where I hopefully turn everything around, since I start a new job in January, which is an extreme weight off my shoulders.

Chapter progress is good, but... is about to get a little odd, since what's supposed to be chapter 047 is getting so long that I am likely going to have to split it, and what's currently 048 might also need to be split, which might result in volume five getting one more chapter than had been planned, since I need that volume to end with a very specific scene. So if the chapter progress meters start moving in weird ways over the following month... that's why.

So that's where we are! Thanks for sticking with me throughout 2019, and I hope you'll stay around for 2020, which should be a big year for both myself and my projects - Pure Corruption first and foremost.

I'm excited.

So a Happy New Year to the lot of you! Happy New Decade, even!


Things are finally, actually, for real back on track.

It's not even Friday.

But I've published a chapter anyway, because it was about damn time. So here's Chapter 044: Anni and Rin-rin, for your reading pleasure. And as you can see on the progress page, there's quite a bit in the pipeline too. I fully intend to get another chapter published by the end of the year - not before Christmas though. But I'll certainly be doing a bunch of writing over my Christmas... "break", I guess you can call it.

For here's the good news: I have a job now. It's not in the field I have my master's degree in, but it is a job at the university, which should be good for connections in the future. Said job doesn't actually start for real until January, but I've been to the introduction for it, and I have one "trial" workday on Tuesday, and then one January 8th, and after that I can actually start working for real and get paid. Which means my free time is now free time, and not free-but-not-really-because-I-should-be-applying-for-jobs-time. It's been something that hasn't made me feel good, and was giving me a resounding feeling of "meh" about a lot of stuff. Having too much of not doing anything made me feel like I got burned out, in a weird way.

But that's all over now! Now that I have a job, I can use my free time on all my hobbies. Which will absolutely involve writing. So 2020 should be a much better year both for me personally and for Pure Corruption.

And just so I don't forget - Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice/whatever you celebrate!


Welcome to September

So. Hi.

The chapter progress page moved a lot for a bit, then slowed down. Chapter 046 has been at three and a half fruits for a bit. That's a half-truth, though - the chapter is basically finished as it is, it's not going to go over 3500 words, and I'm editing some stuff before sending it off to proofreading. Though I already have two chapters in that phase, and I don't want to give my proofreader too many chapters at once.

But I'm also considering if I, for reasons I'm obviously not spoiling, might have to do some rewrites of chapters 045 and 046. I need to discuss it with my proofreader too. I've been... not quite agonizing over it, but I keep second-guessing myself about it. Which is a reason things have not been super productive lately. Hopefully I'll get to publishing soon!


Things are settling down

And, again, things are me.

I've got my new apartment. There's still a lot to be done to make this into a home that I'll be completely comfortable in, but the computer is in place, internet's working, I have my Switch set up, and the kitchen is done enough that I can cook normally. Moving day was a complete disaster and one of the absolute worst days of my life, I will say that much - I was anxious about it and it still ended up a lot worse than I had ever imagined. But somehow, all the items made their way to the new building (except for a few I decided to just discard because it was probably time to replace them anyway), and things are slowly becoming better.

Week before that wasn't great either. I was away at a con, working karaoke as always, and I personally didn't have a fantastic time for several reasons. The actual karaoke was great - whenever I sang, I felt good, it was a lot of things surrounding it and the rest of the con that just made me not feel great. I'm too old to do cons like I used to.

On the flip side - I did get a lot written while at the con. So another chapter has now been sent off to proofreading, and the following one is at least more than halfway done. Still have other stuff to deal with - but publishing should actually finally resume shortly. Please be patient just a little longer.


Another update on me…

So! I've got an apartment lined up. Not the one I mentioned in the previous update, but another one in the same area. It's a nice apartment. Big. Open. Bright. Nice kitchen.

And it makes me extremely worried. Or, well, anxious. A little scared.

Not the apartment as such. It's a good apartment. And I'm pretty sure I'll like living there. Once I've settled in. Which is the entire thing, really - moving to another apartment is going to literally be the biggest change in my life since I moved into the apartment I'm moving away from, which I've lived in for over ten years. So of course I'm anxious - every routine I've made for myself, everything I've gotten used to in all my years of living here - practically all of it will get discarded and I'm going to have to start figuring out new ones. I'm sure it'll all be good once I've done that, but... it's probably perfectly natural for me to worry about it right now. I do have this tendency to worry that things are going to end up being "wrong", that I've made the wrong decision. At the same time, this is absolutely the best apartment I could get under the circumstances, and it is a good one. More central location.

So anyway.

Being anxious over that hasn't exactly been to the benefit of my writing, as I find myself less able to concentrate because of it. I'm certain it's going to turn out alright in the end, but I can't just magically become not anxious. Next week will be a lot of preparations (though most of it's prepared already, as I've mentioned in the past - the majority of my possessions are in boxes and furniture that could be disassembled has been disassembled), and the week after that I'm actually heading off to a con. I definitely need that break. And when I come back home, it'll be moving time, though I don't know yet exactly the date that's going to happen. I've got some phonecalls to make.

And once I'm in my new place, with the computer and router all set up, I can start building anew, and then I will absolutely be more able to get things written. I hope. Also got that part where I need a job, but, y'know...


Things are moving

And by things, I mean me. Soon. Anyway, I figured some update here was called for, since I still am not a point where I have a chapter to publish.

I've been continuing my job-hunting with no success, and am now also taking care of some other stuff. Plus, I have to move out of this apartment in a month's time - going to view a new apartment on Tuesday, which I'm first in line for, so chances are good that'll be my new place. A lot bigger and in a much better location, for only a pretty negligible increase in monthly rent. So that's cool.

And that's basically where I'm at. I have a variety of things going on at the moment. Since I don't have a job, you'd think I'd be writing more, and I do agree with you. But not having a job or anything at all, really, frustrates me to the point where I end up just doing nothing productive. Can you get burnt out from doing nothing? Because it's kind of feeling like that. If I had less free time, I'd probably make more of an effort to do more with it. Plus, I mean, having less free time would mean having a job, meaning having money to do things with, so there's that too.


Well, I hope you'll still want to stick with me and be patient just a bit longer. Hopefully I'll have something else going on soon to pep me up.


Fruit fixup

The chapter progress page has gotten that revamp I was talking about - instead of a vague sense of "halfway" and "almost done", the progress bars are now (almost) entirely tied to my current word count of upcoming chapters. It now has half-fruits as well, and each full fruit represents a 1000-word threshold - half a fruit means less than 500 words written, a full fruit means between 500 and 1000 words, and so on, until four full fruits which represents 3500+ words but not all chapters actually reach that many words so sometimes it'll skip a step (and since I still intend to update the progress bars weekly, a lot of steps will be "skipped", most likely). 4½ fruits now means it's in proofreading/editing, while five full fruits of course still indicates that the chapter is ready to publish. So there you go!

Three years on

Here we go again. After a slow, slow third year, Pure Corruption goes into its fourth one. Trust me when I say that noone else would have wanted it to update faster than me.

I'm still job-hunting. I keep trying. I might actually have one incoming now, but it eats time, and being worried about it doesn't put me in a writing mood, I'll tell you that much. The two part-time gigs I mentioned previously I technically still have, but I don't get tasks from them very often, so I badly need something else.

I have to move before the end of July, so I spent large parts of March and April cleaning out the apartment, packing things in boxes, disassembling bookshelves and the like. That hasn't helped the writing either, but it had to be done.

Aaaaand I might have been playing just a little bit too much of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Diablo 3 on Switch. Still.

But forget all of that today - it's my 33rd birthday, the anniversary of Pure Corruption, and thus of course also new chapter day!

Chapter 043: Aniara and Rink is published! Go read it! And the next chapter has been sent off to proofreading, too. Things are happening.

I think I might need to change up what things in the fruit meter means, though. I never actually use the 3-fruit one, 'cause when I'm at an "almost done" point, I get an extra boost of energy to finish it so I can send it off to proofreading instead of leaving it in an "almost done" state. I also found that I don't actually know where the "almost done" point is. I might rejigger that.

So all my thanks to everyone who's still with me and I hope you'll stick with me for a fourth year, that I really, really, really want to get a lot more chapters published in. I'm kind of ashamed at the slow publishing rate I've had.


I don’t actually have enough of an audience for an April Fool’s joke anyway

So this is just a regular message from me. Still no new chapter, which I'm sorry about. But I figured some signs of life and information from me could be called for.

The two jobs I have, I technically still have, but they're part-time gigs that don't really get me enough money, so I'm still looking for more. In the meanwhile, I've been using my free time for some stuff I have to do - I have to move out of this apartment within 4 months, so I've been cleaning up. Packed boxes of stuff. Thrown away a whole lot of stuff. You never know how much trash you have until it's time to move. Disassembled and put away a bookshelf. My apartment has rarely looked better tbh and there's still a whole lot of work for me to do, and it's something I really do have to prioritize at the moment. Writing isn't completely at a standstill, though - I've made some breakthroughs. I do have a mostly clear plan for the rest of the current volume. I really want to get these chapters out, but life is like it is sometimes.


Have a good April Fool's day. Remember to check your sources. I'll hopefully have some gooder news for you soon enough.


First one of the year!

Alright! We're finally here!

And as promised, I present you with Chapter 042: Family business. Eesh. That one was supposed to have come last year, but anyway. Here's to 2019!